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Site owner

Erla Technologies SAS
88560 - Saint Maurice sur Moselle

Tel. +33 (0)3 29 25 92 24


Erla Technologies SAS does not record personal information which allows identification, apart from the forms that the user is free to fill in. This information will not be used without your agreement; it will only be used by us to send you e-mails, prospectuses, estimates or to contact you.

The information collected on site is protected by the "Informatique et Libertés" n° 78-17 06 janvier 1978 (Computing and Freedom n° 78-17 6th January 1978) law. It is subject to access and rectification rights, to the right to oppose communication and to deletion upon simple request addressed to:

Erla Technologies SAS - BP10 - 88560 - Saint Maurice-sur-Moselle

Erla Technologies SAS can undertake statistical analysis without this being nominative and can inform third parties (website traffic consultants) in the form of a non-nominative summary.

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Management of orders requires use of cookies. Non-personal information is recorded by this system of cookies (text files used to recognise a user and thus facilitate their use of the site). These have no signification beyond their use on the website

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Erla Technologies SAS does not control the sites which are connected to its own and is therefore not responsible for their content. Risks connected to use of these sites are entirely those of the user, who will respect their conditions of use.
Erla Technologies SAS
BP10 - 88560 Saint Maurice-sur-Moselle - France
N° de téléphone : +(33)

Directeur de la publication
Eloi Vuillemin

a different approach
for a complete service

  • ingenierieengineering
  • installationinstallation
  • maintenancemaintenance
  • customer servicescustomer services

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Info & contact T.03 29 25 92 24