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When fuel becomes a luxury, making economies is an advantage - ERLA TECHNOLOGIES

When fuel becomes a luxury, making economies is an advantage

Lorsque que les prix des carburants augmentent, pouvoir gérer sa consommation et faire des économies sont un atout pour chaque entreprise cliente d’Erla Technologie SAS.

Chaque gestionnaire d'une flotte de véhicule sait que le poste ''carburant'' représente une véritable variable stratégique. En effet, selon les évolutions du cours du pétrole, les frais fixes peuvent s'envoler. Ajoutez à cela les kilomètres parcourus inutilement ou les pleins effectués par certains employés indélicats sur le compte de la société, et la voilà en face d'un véritable gouffre financier.

When fuel prices rise, being able to manage your fuel consumption and make economies is a big advantage for every company which is a client of Erla Technologies SAS.

Every manager of a fleet of vehicles know that fuel costs represent a genuine strategic variable. Indeed, according to the changes in oil prices, fixed costs can fly out of control. Add to that kilometres travelled for no good reason by inconsiderate employees at the company’s expense and the company can face a real financial gap.

In order to help its clients manage their fuel consumption as closely as possible, Erla Technologies SAS has developed a full range of solutions which allow you to make considerable economies very quickly.
The upgradeable Epack device created by Erla Technologies SAS allows you to control:

Your supplies:

  • Monitoring of deliveries (quantity, quality), alarms in case of suspect reduction in product level, management of stock in tank

Refuelling carried out:

  • Securing of access to your pump, antitheft alarm, traceability in terms of drivers and vehicles

Analysis of your consumption:

  • Automatic calculation in real time of your consumption of petroleum products
  • In case of abnormal consumption, the fleet manager is alerted via an alarm
  • Fleet and fixed or portable service station managers have access to consumption records thanks Epack software


Vehicle use:

  • Visualisation of routes followed thanks to the onboard Epack GPS module
  • Analysis of vehicle entries and exits via alarms which start up in case of suspicious use
  • Control of diesel and petrol fuel consumption by analysis of routes and development of rational driving programmes

The solutions provided by Erla Technologies SAS are adaptable to the requirements and activities of every company.

To respond to its clients’ needs and requirements, Erla Technologies SAS designs and manufactures its dispensing equipment, storage tanks and develops management systems for petroleum products and other fluids.

All of the products designed and manufactured by Erla Technologies SAS have Guaranteed French Produced certification.

a different approach
for a complete service

  • ingenierieengineering
  • installationinstallation
  • maintenancemaintenance
  • customer servicescustomer services

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